Welcome to Reece Calendar!
Reece Calendar is a project I started while in college to keep track of things and help plan
my schedule. It has been completely rewritten at this point, using better coding practices
to allow for other languages, skins via css files, ability to add other databases besides mysql if you need it and
feel like converting my queries in my queries file, etc. Overall, it is very easy to set up,
very easy to use, and gives you a very easy to read and pleasant looking calendar.
Where can you see it in action?
Due to issues with sourceforge's webserver, I can't get a demo working here (see my rant),
but you can at least view the calendar integrated into my own website. You can't log in though,
hopefully I'll have a full demo up at some point. Also, this is loading from my home server
(by server I mean old desktop) connected over DSL, so please excuse any slowness.
DEMO - calendar section on my website
My calendar makes it very easy to integrate into a site, you simply set the 'stand alone' variable
to false in the config file and include the calendar's index.php file. You can also
change the include path and main file name in the config file.
Other useful related links
If you find any bugs, or want to ask a question about the project, you can post to the project
forum for version 0.9 here:
I do code clean up and make bug fixes every now and then. You can check
out the latest from my subversion trunk here:
To contact me, just send me a message through the sourceforge form. It goes straight to
my gmail account
Thanks for checking out my project!